Well its been a long and windy road, starting from a simple blocked out alpha version covered in dev textures to what it is today. This map has taken me approximately 6 or 7 months to make (although I took quite a few long hiatuses over ...
Browsing 'Windy' Maps
- ctf_highlandsBeta
End of results.
- skyrim dragon buff bannerN/A
replaces the flag for the buff banner note : used really for friends games.
- Atari 2600 Joystick WranglerN/A
This is a custom model for the Wrangler (both normal & festive versions) that makes it look like an Atari 2600 Joystick. This actually has being done in the past, but it doesn't work at all anymore, so I decided to have a shot at modelli...
- Titanic Taunt SoundpackN/A
This wont work on official servers, but it should work on most community servers. This is a dumb soundpack, use this if you want dumb things in your game. You can check the demonstration video bellow. -Features- New main menu music and...
- Sonic&Shadow ScattergunN/A
Team colored scattergun with Sonic for BLU team and Shadow for RED team. Let me know if there is any problem downloading, installing,... Know bugs: conflict with botkillers and australium shows BLU scattergun
- Looney Tunes Cartoon Fall Sound ReplacementN/A
Looney Tunes Cartoon Fall Sound Replacement is a sound mod that replaces the mercs' falling lines with at least a Warner Bros. Falling sound effect. Just stick that folder in the custom folder and maybe it should play.
- Party CentreBeta N/A
A big map where entertainment is born, be a star in the stage-act: Assault on Coal Town Museum. Backstory Time: "Saxton Hale was busy watching Youtube videos about TF2/Loudouts, and he though about the idea for Mann Co.: Entertainment...
- Skullgirls Menu ModN/A
Like skullgirls? Wish you can bring it with you when you play TF2? Well now you can with this mod. doesn't work during halloween, I made it like that This mods includes - All the portraits of the current characters (no Eliza) replacin...
- pl_cornfarm_rcN/A
Corn Farm is a single-stage payload map. I didn't make any custom content, so there shouldn't be any in it. Edit: Updated to RC.
- trade_minecraft_anvilN/A
lately several people have been using my maps, but some of them say that maps like river are too big. so because of the size of river many people get low frames on the map. after some thinking i have chosen to create my version of the po...
- Neutral Colors PackN/A
Gives the characters a less colored look. It uses a lot of grey, white, brown and beige. The blue team uses more grey, while the red team uses more brown. Extract to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custo...
- Pl_RocketRavineBeta N/A
This is a redesign of an old tf2 map called pl_canyon. It has been redone from the ground up to begin balancing it for 24-32 player servers and accommodate all the new weapons since the release of the old version of the map. BLU's object...
- Mega Charizard X and Y Dispenser ScreensN/A
Replaces the RED dispenser screen with Mega Charizard Y and the BLU dispenser screen with Mega Charizard X which are both from the Pokemon series.
- Hotline Miami Music PackN/A
(warning: unknown if works in official servers) Since CS:GO has a Hotline Miami pack, why shouldn't TF2 get one? This pack replaces the following sounds: - All wave start and end musics in MvM. - Wave lost sound in MvM. - Class Selecti...