nonPareil Institute's very first MvM project! Fight wave after wave of Gray Mann's robot army in this brand new map, inspired by the invasion of Normandy on D-Day and created by some of our excellent crew members! Current Missions: Nor...
- mvm_np_normandy
- Complex D
Versus Saxton Hale map. Looks like a secret laboratory, where Red must fight with Hale (another freak) like group stripping fights with monster. Enjoy.
- koth_np_middlelands
A KOTH-based map themed around the medieval times! Perfect for supporting roles as well as full-frontal assaults, this map was created by one of our awesome crew members!
- cp_industriesBeta
This map is part of a school project and i now need beta testers and feedback. Currently the only game mode is Control points but i have plans to add more games and expand the map. Planed modes are MvM, Territory control, Attack & Defend...
- cp_warpath2
Warpath is a 5 capture point map that could be one of the most balanced maps of all time. Valve really made a gem for TFC when it comes to this map. This map represents just that, a classic.
- pl_dirty_bombBeta
Standard 4 CP payload map. Map is now in beta testing (beta3). Latest build of the map is running on server Rocket Jump #1 ( / Europe). Feel free to check it out.
- sd_monkeyday_b3Beta
UPDATED TO B3 ] a map i've made using the new gamemode, my map is the first 'not-official' SD map published ^^ also i'll update the shadows, details ... but not now. [Beta-3] now my map is 'AMAZING' !! Some things don't appair on t...
- ctf_reclaimersBeta
The arrangement of these Forerunner fortresses seems to imply that, perhaps, this canyon was once a military training ground.
- koth_drogentote
A well made KOTH map based off the Meet the Medic video created by Benjamoose.
- ctf_Scout_Alliance_OutdoorsBeta
The RED team consists of a high-tech lumberyard delivering site. You could automatically see that when you spot a glass room full of payloads. The BLUE team consists of your typical Well and Hydro 'rocket city' design philosophy. You c...
- ctf_arklayBeta
Don't be fooled by the name this isn't a Resident Evil map I could'nt think of a better name but then I saw a Resident Evil Afterlife Trailer I was like hey Arklay Mountains so why not. (I know the movies and games are not related) ok to...
- Murderball 2011 RC3
This is a remake of the epic TFC map 'Murderball' created by Chris Thorsten. Run to the center of the map and grab the ball. Try to keep it as long as you can! Your team will score a point for every 10 seconds you hold the ball. Score 1...
- dm_lockdown_tf
I converted the map from the VMF has provided in the source sdk of Half-Life 2 DM, it would have taken me a week to the compatibility and fixed some bugs. Hope you like it ! :D
- ctf_Spuddicus_Supply_StationBeta
!!!!!CURRENTLY UNDER REDESIGN!!!!! --please sit tight while this map undo-goes an overhaul-- Supports Bots!!!
- koth_crossfireBeta
Remake of Crossfire from HL mp with a capture point that acts as the bomb switch. Check changelog for details
- ctf_laynedecker
The blue team has docked their aircraft carrier at the red co cannery, to investigate suspected cases of blue fin tuna poaching.
- Arena_Metal_Gear_Solid_1
This is my shot at rebuilding the start of MGS to a Arena map. I have added two new ways in and out of the docks and prison that is not in the original game. -Underground docks (Blue Team start) -Helipad Area -Tank Hangar -Prison Are...
- Core 2Fort alphaBeta
This map is Valve's ctf 2fort map with the custom game mode Core. The core prefabs were released on this site by nycphe a while back on fpsbanana
- ctf_lulz
This map features a trench with wooden border as well as underground networks. The maps is well lit and combines setting with playability.
- jump_elysiumBeta
Elysium - a place of ideal happiness Here is my new soldier jump map, jump elysium. It has 14 jumps ranging from noob to pro. Hope you like it :)
- jump_rj_trainingBeta
10 Beginner jumps, 8 Advanced jumps. The idea behind the map was to create an environment where new players and experienced players could converse on the same turf. The map was not designed toward experts, and instead caters to the inexp...
- pl_cranetopBeta
Map name: pl_cranetop Description: A 3-stage Payload map for Team Fortress 2
- cp_silo_c-a10Beta
The original idea was to recreate Sector C from the original Half-Life. After some thought we realized this would be boring and the layout of sector C is not TF2 friendly. So we took the idea of Sector C and decided to make it Sector C f...
- pl_redshipBeta
RedShip is a two part map that consists of Stage 1: The Assault during which the BLU team assaults RedShip in order to take possession of it, and Stage 2: The Retake, where the RED team tries to take back their ship.