- M.I.B. Magnum Pistol (Vscript)
This time, magnum pistol is developed with the feature of "Noisy Cricket" mini pistol from MIB movie. & it has a new name, "MIB Magnum", or, "Mob Infected Blaster" Magnum. By using all ammo clip, it can use "MIB Shot" that shoots a laser...
- Mp5 with Smoke GL (Vscript)
As my crazy thought won again this time, & I decided to add grenade launcher on mp5, as it fits more on mp5. But as there's already explosive one for rifle, this one will go with smoke grenade. The smoke grenade itself is a special one, ...
- Hellfire Pumpshotgun (Vscript)
& now the "Hellfire Pumpshotgun" has been completed. While mp5 has smoke GL that can also work as a semi bile bomb, this pumpshotgun can work as mini molotov. Well, I'm still too lazy to upload a video as it takes longer time than mak...
- Fullblast Autoshotgun (Vscript)
Well, for this mod, I made use of the template from my other mod, Ak47 Paladin. This special autoshotgun allows you to fire a special shot, "Fullblast Shot", that is so strong that it causes a shockwave at the target location. The shockw...
- Desperado Dual Pistols (Vscript)
So. this mod allows survivors to activate "Desperado Mode" when using AIM/ SCOPE on dual pistols. When aiming, the fire rate is increased almost as fast as smg for single pistol, & as fast as smg for dual pistols. Under "Desperado Mode" ...
- Merciless Survivor Bots (Complete Version)
This time, I took some experiments by improving bot's aim ability, and... Well, just as scary as its title, the survivor bots here are merciless. If I can put in difficulty level, probably they're equal to hard or advanced difficulty. Th...
- Item Buffs (Vscript)
So, about this mod, this allows survivors to get some buffs simply by carrying certain items. Each item has its own buffs & each buff can be stacked as long as survivors keep them in inventory without using them. Here are the items along...
- Bots Avoid Witch
"What if witch gets a think function, & the think function can push away any survivor bots close to her?" & here it is, a mod to make bots avoid witch. This mod allows bots to automatically get pushed back when they're too close to ...
- Stay Away From My Crosshair (Vscript)
This mod allows you to do something on a survivor who's trying to enter your crosshair suddenly. Well, as this one is hard to show with static image, I'll put some gif images from imgur here (or you can visit the workshop site of this mo...
- Capped Fall Damage (Vscript)
I kept forgetting to add this one here. Well, now here it is. As the title said, this mod can modify the fall damage via cfg file to make it less deadly when falling from a very very high place. You can freely set the max fall damage.. ...
- Grenadier Mode (Vscript)
This mod is originally one of features from Merciless Survivor Bots (Complete Version) with the same name. I simply just made it as a standalone version with some slight changes, so people can use it even without having to use "Merciless...
- Tank MVP Announcement
Works on local server and Dedicated Server Shows most damage done player to the tank player in chat after tank is killed. default is up to 4 players. Custom Settings: there will be modsettings.txt file creates after first time pla...
- Enhanced Angry Vanilla Bots
You can say that this is the "lite" version of my "Merciless Survivor Bots" mod. This mod is another experiment for fun about bots that only focuses on making bots "angry". . Just as the title says, this mod makes even the vanilla bots...
- Sentry Floating Turret replaces Baseball Bat
Have you ever still felt insecure even when all survivor bots are standing close to you? Have you ever thought about a dependable bodyguard that can protect you even better than original bot? Well, this sentry turret custom weapon may be...
- Health Ammo Regen
Regenerates health and ammo at certain time. you can change it in mod setting in ems/healthammoreg/har_setting.txt you can freely increase/decrease amount of health, ammo and interval but these have their maximum and minimum value he...
- Smoker Cloud Damage
Smoker death gas will damage nearby survivors 1-2 damage every 0.8 second by default user can change damage and interval in smk_setting.txt which locate in l4d2 game directory > left4dead2 > ems > smk_toxicgas folder i made this ju...
- Custom Weapon Base For Custom Maps
A new solution to use custom scripted weapons in custom campaigns. There were 2 methods to get custom weapons work in custom maps: Combining files of custom weapon base with custom campaign to 1 vpk, which could break some crescendo...
- Merciless Survivor Bots (Simple Version)
Well, as the title said, this is the simple version of Merciless Survivor Bots. The complete version of "Merciless Survivor Bots" mod is like a "Jack-of-All-Trades" mod that has not only bot features but also other various features that ...
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ **ATTENTION** THIS MOD IS A PLUGIN AND TO WORK CORRECTLY YOU MUST HAVE SOURCEMODE INSTALLED ON YOUR LEFT 4 DEAD 2!! --------------------------------...
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ **ATTENTION** THIS MOD IS A PLUGIN AND TO WORK CORRECTLY YOU MUST HAVE SOURCEMODE INSTALLED ON YOUR LEFT 4 DEAD 2!! --------------------------------------...
- Sentry Floating Turret EX replaces Baseball Bat
This one is another variant of the existing "Sentry Floating Turret". I just did some experiments for fun because I wanted exploding laser shot, & somehow I succeeded. This EX (extreme) version has a special laser ammo that explodes only...
- Turret Mod
Add an automatic turret (replaces m60) take the m60 and left click to put it, "E" to take it
- [VScripts] Library of Utils
Just my library for various scripts
- Flamethrower Replaces Official Melee
After getting permission from the author of this cool custom weapon, I decided to upload it here. The original one is already here, & I'll link it on the linked contents. What makes this different is...this officially replaces the offici...