Browsing 'darkness' Maps

There are 3 results.
  • 16 Maps
    Silent Hill 1

    This version of Silent Hill 1 by Leafo will be continuation of what PopTheseFools has started. From now on, I'm taking over the campaign and will provide you with active updates, so if you're still subscribed to his or any other versions...

  • Map
    KBar2 survival

    SURVIVAL MAP - please read the following before playing. coop mode is for picture taking only. light switches (in bar, gas station closet, and warehouse) that have glow will turn lights on/off to start survival event ...shoot the balloon...

  • Map
    Left 4 Survival
    Beta N/A

    This is a map that I worked on a while back. You know, before I started working on skins. It's nothing special, just a personal survival map. I also made the poster. Of course, the map isn't finished and might not ever be. I kinda don't ...


End of results.