- 野地惊魂(Nature War)
- Dead Fall 2: the complete editon(死亡陨落2正式...
OK兄弟们啊!死亡陨落2已经全部完成了!双结局! 我是初中生,作图技术有限,见谅。 故事简介:在死亡陨落1的故事后,Nick等人被教堂男孩和军方关了起来。杀出血路! 建图指令: map deadfall2_m1 map deadfall2_m2 map deadfall2_m3 map deadfall2_...
- 死亡陨落∶前传(Dead Fall: before)
This map is the story before"Dead Fall" Survivors need rescue.But when they call rescue,Nick scold pilots.Pilot angry right now.Can they survive? 死亡陨落的前传,Nick等人被困在了CEDA的基地里,结果在呼叫救援的时候,Nick骂了直升机驾驶员...
- Left 4 Dead Modified: Dead Air - Scriptless Edi...
Please see the Steam Workshop description for information on the campaign before downloading. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2765243766
- Blood Woods APOCALYPSE by Rombu with Nav Fix by...
Hindi ko ginawa ito. Kung nais ng may-ari ito ay ibababa ito ay aalisin. Our 4 survivors try to exterminate all zombies and survive this poopoo apocalypse! This was my port first. The other versions were crashing. 6 map campaign.
- The Exit 13
"You find yourself in a strange underpass, carefully inspect the surroundings to get out." A single-player map based on the popular game "The Exit 8". Unfortunately, it turned out to be quite difficult to repeat the randomization of r...
- Infected City 2 Fixed
Hindi ko ginawa ito. Kung nais ng may-ari ito ay ibababa ito ay aalisin. The epic story continues... Survivors must make their way through an infected city to escape the zombie apocalypse, again. Added stringtable files to all m...
- Lost (fixed strings/map 5 supplies)
Hindi ko ginawa ito. Kung nais ng may-ari ito ay ibababa ito ay aalisin. Here is the great 6 map campaign "Lost" by Trane. Fixed Jukebox music map 1. Added healthkits, weapons, and ammo pile to map 5. Added a sound.cache file to ...
- Revenge Of The Colon
"You are a gastroenterologist with a lot of experience. Every day you see dozens of patients and it was difficult to surprise you with something, before this case ..." A single-player map based on the popular game "Revenge Of The Colon"...
- Puzzle
The campaign consists of 2 chapters in which the player needs to collect puzzles. The first map contains an image of 240 elements, and the second contains 2 images of 96 elements. There are no infected here, they are disabled. You can i...
- The Origin (Fix)
This is an unfinished map from 12 years ago, after contacting the original author unsuccessfully I fixed it so that it has an ending.Now I use it as part of the Tsunami City series, with the plot connecting to The Last Afterglow. 这是一...
- The last Afterglow
在幸存者们离开海啸城市后,帆船载着他们漂流到一座灯塔孤岛,发现灯塔之下是一个军方的地下仓库... After the survivors left the tsunami city, the sailboat carried them to drift to a lighthouse island, found under the lighthouse is a military...
- Basketball
The survivors ended up on a basketball court where there are no infected people. The main entertainment here is throwing a ball (gnome) into the ring. This campaign can be completed by scoring 100 goals. The second part of the field c...
- hehe37
海的那边是Tank!!! 本次hehe一共4关 —————————————————————————— 建图代码: hehe37_1 hehe37_2 hehe37_3 hehe37_4
- 广东职业技术学院
this is my first map,so is easy,This map is based on my big school
- Fallen Fortress Beta
Hindi ko ginawa ito. Kung nais ng may-ari ito ay ibababa ito ay aalisin
- FPS Kit 2.0 Jumper
This map was originally from a kit you can buy call FPS Kit 2.0 for unity and it has this parkour map in it I just ported it to Left 4 Dead 2, the map is not originally made by me.
- 这只是一个测试
This is my first map.It's not a "troll" map. The level 1 features pokemon style. 2:minecraft 3:concert It's not hard to play,so if you're interested you can have a try. 这是我的第一地图。他不是一个"喷粪"地图. 等级一特色宝可...
- Connection 连接
这不是一张新地图,我把之前做过的两张地图(合肥、致小玉)合在了一起。 Actually, this is not a new campaign, I combined "hefei" with "love letter to Yu" to make the process longer. hope you like it. 感谢求生制图群里大佬的传道解惑。特别...
- City 17Beta
Take a deadly walk through the City 17, straight from Half-Life 2 ep 1. Fight your way from the very bottom of the town to the trainstation and... well, escape. 1st contributor sure is Valve If your game crashes or something like th...
- 不可企及 / Unattainable v1.4
◾ Update version 1.4, if you encounter bugs welcome feedback in the comment. ◾ The map is currently the first chapter, will slowly make updates to subsequent chapters. Map filename: 🟢unattainable_1 🟢unattainable_2 Game Ti...
- Cj house interior.(survival)Beta
Big Smoke: You picked the wrong house, FOOL! CJ: Big Smoke! It's me Carl! Big Smoke: CJ, mate! Is... are you okay, man? CJ: No man, my House.. Big Smoke: I don't know why this had to happen, but I swear I'm going to exterminate tho...
- 静寂时分-前传/DeadAir-Prequel V1.0 (重置版)
(重置版/Reset Version) //////////////////////////////////////// - 此地图根据L4D漫画而改编,讲述了生还者们坐船离开小镇后的故事,到下一关地图的DeadAir,你可能会疑惑:船呢?船长呢?为什么我会出生在花房???官方漫画设定生还者们被船长赶下船...
- The DISTINCTIVE Map 2 Beta Channel (V0.6.1)Beta
THIS IS NOT A FINAL VERSION!!! 中文 Chinese 请查看更新日志以获取更新详情。 此频道用于发布测试版。标题上的版本号代表当前版本。 当前版本: 0.6.1 欢迎在评论区留言。 关于地图 ———————————— 地图并没有开发完成!!! 本地图重新打造了...